If you're contributing to API Extractor, you'll eventually want to run it in a debugger. If you open VS Code in the apps/api-extractor folder, it contains a launch.json file with premade debugger configurations for running API Extractor on various test projects in the build-tests folder.
For example, to analyze build-tests/api-extractor-test-01 in the debugger, you would do this:
Make sure that project has been compiled (since API extractor processes .d.ts files, not .ts files):
$ cd ./build-tests/api-extractor-test-01
$ rushx build(
npm run build
would also work)Open VS Code in the apps/api-extractor folder.
Click on the "Debug" icon on the left toolbar (Ctrl+Shift+D).
Choose the
configuration from the combo box.Click the green "play" button (F5).
The api-extractor-scenarios project is slightly tricky because it has many different entry points. For each entry point, the runScenarios.ts driver will create a complete api-extractor.json style config file in the temp/configs folder. Thus, you need to manually edit the debugger configuration to specify the one you want. The section looks like this:
. . .
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"name": "scenario",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/lib/start.js",
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/../../build-tests/api-extractor-scenarios",
"args": [
"sourceMaps": true
. . .
Change the --config
parameter from "./temp/configs/api-extractor-typeof.json"
to instead specify the particular config file for the scenario you want to debug.
By the way, if you want to add a new scenario to api-extractor-scenarios, don't forget to register it in config/build-config.json.